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As the big brands are releasing their early bird deals, you might be thinking, I need something new and different. I’m happy to let you know that we have different, we have a great selection of niche suppliers that can meet your clients unique travel requests.

By definition, a niche is a specialized segment of the market for a particular kind of product or service. To niche, passion is instrumental! And our niche operators are a passionate bunch who know their clients inside and out and pride themselves on outstanding customer service.
Check out and follow their amazing Instagram accounts, as they say 
“A picture is worth a thousand words”

50 Degrees North is a niche, independently owned, specialist travel company. We specialise exclusively on the regions beyond the 50th parallel north, including Scandinavia, Finland, Iceland, Greenland, the Arctic, Russia, Mongolia, Kamchatka and the Baltics. https://www.instagram.com/50degreesnorth/

As passionate and experienced travel planners with 35 years’ experience Journeys & Africa will provide well organised and personalised service arranging all your travel needs. We are driven to provide you with an authentic travel experience revealing to you the full abundance of sights, smells, touch, taste and the sounds that I know will live in your memory forever.

Micro Cruising experiences
Grace Kelly’s honeymoon yacht in the Galapagos
100 year old converted solid teak Rice barges in Thailand
Agatha Christie's “Death on the Nile" river boat
Seeing Sea Gypsies of the Mergui Archipelago
Homely tug boats in Alaska
A tall ship that was so beautiful that she was pardoned from WWII duties by Roosevelt
One cabin phinisis in Indonesia with seven staff including a full time masseuse

Tour de Vines Mission Statement:
1. To provide our guests amazing & memorable travel getaways, offering day tours through to extended overseas trips
2. To provide our guests unique & brilliant food & wine experiences, all included in the tour
3. To get our guests moving – yes literally, mainly using cycling – to enjoy the scenery and get up close to the people and the area we travel in
4. Travel lightly, give kindly, be respectful, have fun

Tours of Tuscany, Our tours offer the traveller a journey through the region as a local, not a tourist. Meeting and getting to know the locals and truly living the Tuscan way of life for the period of time they spend in the region.
“Our passion for Italy inspires us to share the wonders and beauty of Tuscany with those who tour with us.” Ines & Monique

Unmapped is a lux-adventure company for solo travellers in their 30s and 40s.
Whilst our trips are built with people in their 30s and 40s in mind, this is more about your mindset than the date on your birth certificate. The only criteria we strictly abide by is that you are kind, open-minded and ready to connect with your fellow travellers.

We love adventure. But just because we want to spend our days exploring, it doesn’t mean we want to spend our evenings cooking pot noodles and sleeping in a hostel dorm room with 20 eighteen-year-olds. That’s why, when you travel with Unmapped you can expect adventure during the day and luxury boutique accommodation by night.

At Greece and Med Travel Centre  our team has been designing holidays with the Australian traveller in mind for over 15 years. With personal, hands-on service, you can rest assured that your holiday will be impeccable from start to finish.
Travel with us and experience the difference...